A 53-year-old brick layer died due to serious head injuries after falling two metres below him.
It is believed the deceased was contracted to take out work on a roof which meant him carrying out necessary brick work in order for a different contractor to add insulation and re-felt it.
The deceased was kneeling down on the roof when the fatal accident happened, it is believed he stood up and fell backwards through a roof-light and fell two metres to the floor.
He was transported to hospital by air ambulance but died later due to serious fatal head injuries.
Company fined due to workers fatal accident at work.
It is believed the company which the deceased was contracted for have been fined £80,000 and ordered to pay £39,381.32 in costs.
An investigation took place and it was found that they pleaded guilty to breach the Health and Safety at Work.
Fatal accident at work compensation- What are the family entitled to?
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