Fatal Car Accidents
A mother and her unborn baby were killed in a fatal car accident. The tragic deaths occurred when the driver, who, it is alleged was under the influence of drugs mounted a kerb and flew through the air, crashing into the woman at more than 70mph.
The 22 year old woman was seven months pregnant with her first child. She died instantly after a Volkswagen ploughed into her. The car collided with a sign in a 30mph zone and took off, spinning 360 degrees.
The driver of the car who has been smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol has been jailed for over seven years as a result of the fatal road accident claim.
Bereavement Award
The woman’s relatives applauded in court when the judge said “I’m treating it as the death of more than one person.”
An emergency caesarean was carried out in the hope to save her child but unfortunately never worked.
The woman was on the way to work, where she took on extra shift in preparation for the birth.
The driver failed a right- hand bend manoeuvre when he hit the sign. The sign acted as a ramp causing the car to take off. The woman was hit from behind and suffered injuries to her head, abdomen and leg.
The driver admitted death by dangerous driving.
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For more information on making a fatal car accident compensation claim on behalf of a loved one contact the fatal accident solicitors.
In this tragic case the estate of the lady who was killed can made a claim for damages. The estate, in simple terms will be her next of kin. If she had left a will, the persons she has named in her will will be entitled.