The Role of a Coroner
This is a simple and short guide of the function or role of a Coroner following a fatal accident or un-explained death etc. Coroners investigate all deaths that are not due to natural causes. A coroner is an independent judicial office holder. A person who finds a dead body has a duty to report this to the coroner. Failure to report a dead body to the coroner is an offence.
The coroner has a team of Coroner’s Offices who carry out investigations on the coroner’s behalf. A coroner’s officer are usually retired police officers.
Once the investigation has been complete, the coroner will decide whether an inquest will be necessary.
In order to be a coroner, a person must have a degree in either the medical or legal field. They must have had a career as either a lawyer or physician for at least five years prior to becoming a coroner.
The main role of a coroner is to determine the cause of death where the deceased has died suddenly, unexpected or was suspicious in any way.
The coroner has the discretion to decide whether the family of the deceased will be able to see any written evidence prior to the hearing.