Employee Drowns While Collecting Golf Balls
We go to work expecting that the laws are there to protect employees. There are various Health and Safety Laws to provide that protection but sadly, all too often they are ignored.
In this tragic accident a man had drowned when he was sent by his employer to collect golf balls from the bottom of a lake.
The employee has available to him a garden hose attached to a compressor as breathing apparatus.
The deceased had learning difficulties, he was weighed down by a diving belt and a bag of golf balls.
His employer was in fact his friend and he was jailed for manslaughter.
Fatal Accident At Work
It is reported that he had breached at least 16 health and safety regulations. Neither the deceased nor his employer had any diving experience. The employer decided he would use his childhood friend to collect the golf balls after he realised the true expense of collecting them if using a professional diver.
A very sad but quite unusual case as here the employer and deceased where childhood friends. Nevertheless the consequences are tragic and various protection laws were broken.
If you have been affected by this case and require help or assistance please contact us.