The Inquest of Frankie Gary Murphy

The Inquest was held following the tragic death of a young boy just 13 years of age who sadly lost his life on Liverpool Road, Page Moss , when his bike was hit by a car shortly after 5pm on October 24, 2016.

Our Principal Solicitor who attended the Inquest, at South Sefton Magistrates Court, Bootle, Liverpool, Ronnie Hutcheon, represented the family.

Whilst the hearing has been reported extensively by the Local Liverpool Paper, The Echo  nevertheless an Inquest can only provide a verdict on certain facts but a robust cross-examination of the witnesses is not permitted.  Thus the verdict at Inquest Hearings may not always get to the detail that is required in criminal or civil proceedings.

A statement on behalf of the family, was read out to the Echo Journalist as hereunder:

A statement from solicitor Ronnie Hutcheon, on behalf of Frankie’s family, said:

“As solicitor for the family of Frankie Murphy I would like to acknowledge the composure and dignity of the family throughout the hearing despite the deep hurt and emotional distress caused by their loss of Frankie.

“The family appreciate the limitations that the coroner can decide, the evidence he can hear and the nature of verdict that can be handed down.

“Frankie Murphy’s family and legal team will take time to reflect upon the evidence and decide if further action will be taken through the civil courts.

“The family would like to express that Frankie was the life and soul of the family and will always be missed and loved by everyone left behind.”

Inquest Hearings Law and Procedure

Attending Inquest Hearings, Liverpool can be a daunting experience on behalf of bereaved families who are already suffering following the death of a loved one.  For further reading on What happens at an Inquest or Coroner’s Court‘ please click on the link.

To deal with the legal complexities that follow, talking to the Coroner, the Police, pathologist, dealing with the paper-work etc and bills are just one of many factors.

We can help all families who suffer from a bereavement due to an accident where someone else may be to blame.  Please contact Ronnie Hutcheon, specialist fatal accident solicitors.

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