Young Driver Died Swerving from Oncoming Vehicle
It is believed the young driver was travelling along a large stretch of road when he seen in his distance a vehicle travelling towards him so he quickly swerved and hit a heavy goods vehicle to avoid a head on collision which resulted in him losing his life.
An investigation to place in which it was founded that the driver of the Nissan Juke was indicating to turn left off a side road when he seen the deceased vehicle spin off and then hit the HGV truck.
As a result of the accident, a post-mortem took place in which it was found that the deceased sadly lost his life due to multiple injuries to his body as a result of a road traffic accident.
Pain and suffering due to a fatal car accident
Nobody can put a cost on the death of a loved one following a fatal car accident. The personal tragedy, pain and suffering is immeasurable. The number of deaths on the Road is around 3,000 per year.
Sympthetic advice
Here at R James Hutcheon Solicitors we do understand that compensation is often a secondary thought, but making a claim helps maintain financial stability and relieve the financial worry and stress that comes with losing a loved one especially if they were the main “bread winner.”
There are a number of things family or loved ones of the deceased can claim for following a fatal car accident, for example:
The above is subject to the relation to the deceased, for more information please do not hesitate to contact one of our highly experienced solicitors to discuss your query.