Fatal accident claims solicitors can report that there is ongoing investigations that the law relating to will writing in outdated and must be kept up to date with modern technology.

It has been mentioned that text messages, emails or even voice mails could be considered binding on the deceased’s estate on how the testator’s wishes are to be carried out.

The Law Commission’s Report on outdated wills has advised that the Wills and Probate Law needs drastic overhaul as only 40% of adults die without a will.

Importance of Making a Will

It cannot be underestimated how important it is to make a will.  At fatal accident claims solicitors we appreciate that the young especially do not consider making a will and adults only begin to think about it when they start a family or suffer from an illness.  Even then, many still do not make a will.

The Law Commission has called for the documents to be produced electronically on smart phones, tablets, computers and be available to people as young as 16 years.

Such digital intervention is allowed in countries such as Australia and Canada but there are counter arguments that a change in the law could trigger more family arguments than it solves.

We would appreciate your thoughts, should making a will be updated and allowed to be produced electronically or not?

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