Bereavement Award

The bereavement award is one of several compensation options open to someone who has lost a loved one in a fatal accident. The award provides a statutory payout of £15,120 following an unlawful death. Our solicitors are here to help you make a successful claim.

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Bereavement Award & Damages Guide

In this guide, we will help walk you through the ins and outs of the bereavement award. We will cover what it is, how you may be eligible and the current amount you can claim. We will also explain why we think the award amount is unjust.

For more information on the statutory bereavement award, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How to claimWhat is the award?Who can claim?Why it’s too lowUnjust law

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How to Claim for the Bereavement Award

People Grieving Following a LossWe are a UK law firm specialising in fatal accidents and helping loved ones claim bereavement damages. If you are eligible for the bereavement award, we can work with you from start to finish to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

The first step in securing damages is to contact a specialist firm such as ourselves. You can inform us about your situation, and we will offer support and advice. Our solicitors will assess your eligibility and advise whether or not you will be likely to succeed with a claim. If a claim is possible, you can then instruct us to handle it on your behalf based on a no-win, no-fee scenario.

The next step is to gather all necessary information that will strengthen your entitlement to bereavement compensation. Documents can include things like the death certificate, identification and proof of your relationship to the deceased. We will make it very clear what information is needed and will help you secure the required documents, reducing the stress on your behalf. Our solicitors will complete the application, ensuring all relevant information and documents are included.

After an application for the bereavement award has been made, we will keep you updated on the progress and be on hand if you have any questions or need further support. Applications are usually completed within three months, after which payment will be delivered to reduce your financial burden.

We know just how vital bereavement damages are to support a family through the sudden and devastating loss of a loved one. As experts in this area, you can rest assured that our solicitors can answer any questions, including an estimated death compensation calculation. With our vast experience, we are highly confident in securing your bereavement compensation.

To start your bereavement claim, please click the button below and fill out your contact details. Our friendly solicitors will then reach out to you to discuss your situation. Please be aware that this part of the process is entirely no-obligation – we are happy to advise before you choose us to represent you. If you appoint us as your solicitor firm, we will work on a no-win-no-fee basis so that you only pay our fees if your case is won.

What Is the Bereavement Award?

A bereavement award under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 is a personal injury compensation claim made following the unlawful death of a person involved in an accident or illness at work due to the fault of another. Statutory bereavement damages of £15,120 are awarded in successful claims at court.

The most common allegation that a claims solicitor will argue against the defendant will be under the tort law of negligence. Damages are paid where you may hear the words ‘unlawful killing’ or where the death occurred due to a criminal offence such as murder.

We Can Explain in Detail

Who Can Claim?

Are you wondering who can claim bereavement damages? To claim, specific criteria must be met. You must be a spouse, civil partner or parent if the child is under 18. Unmarried couples who’ve been together for at least two years are also included.

Who Can Claim

There are also situations where people are unable to claim bereavement damages. This includes children who’ve lost a parent, parents who’ve lost a child over 18, and sibling loss. Grandparents and grandchildren are not entitled.

Who Cannot Claim

Why the Amount of the Bereavement Award Is Too Low

It’s our firm belief that the amount following the death of a loved one should be increased. One of the richest countries in the world, the UK (or specifically England & Wales) makes the loss of life following a tragic fatal accident worthless or close to it. It is not right.

The statutory bereavement award, in our respectful view, is too low. It does not provide sufficient compensation for suffering from the death of a family member. The government has assessed the award over the years for the loss of a close family member, wife, husband, son, daughter in the current sum of £15,120.

We all appreciate that no amount of money can compensate for the loss, but the government appears to suggest (or an excuse due to the pressure from insurance companies) that the death of a loved one is only worth a ‘token amount’. That is simply not right, it’s unjust and insurance companies are getting away in not paying a “fair” amount for the recognition that the death of a close family member was unlawful.

A recent example of how unjust the bereavement award can be is the Lucy Letby case. Letby, a formal neonatal nurse, was found guilty of tragically murdering at least seven infants under her care. As reported by the Telegraph, the families of the deceased infants may only get £12,980 compensation for their loss via bereavement award. The incidents happened before the increase of the award in May 2020.

The Letby case is a prime example of how a number shouldn’t be put on a life. The Telegraph notes that this amount for losing a child would be the same amount of damages awarded to someone with a knee injury. Lawyers representing the families are demanding a review to resolve this injustice and overhaul the cap on bereavement damages.

The Award Should Be Increased

Examples of an Unjust Law

Here are some examples of why the bereavement award is an unjust law:

  • In the death of an illegitimate child (under 18 years), the mother receives bereavement entitlement while the father gets nothing. But as the law stands, even if the father was entitled to an award, both parents would have to share it, thus they would receive £7,560 each for the pain, grief and suffering. Somehow the death compensation will mean, to reflect society perhaps, the parents shared suffering means they share the award? There is no logical conclusion other than penny-pinching.
  • If an adult child (18 years plus) was killed in a road accident, the parents would receive nothing. Yet if the child was 17 years and 364 days old at the time of the accident, the parents would receive the full bereavement compensation. But that, as we have said before is still an insult and the parents would have to share it.
  • In the death of a parent, for some unknown reason, a child receives absolutely nothing for the death of her/his mother or father. Maybe the lawmakers at the time thought that if both parents died in a fatal road accident it would mean the children would be over-compensated because the insurance company for the person at fault would have to pay two awards. Therefore, for whatever reason, a child losing his/her parent(s) gets absolutely nothing. It is not right.
  • When a child sustained fatal injuries whilst under 18 but dies when over 18 years, no bereavement damages are entitled. Can you believe it? No award is payable thanks to the case of Dolema v Deakin (1990).

See If You Can Claim

What About Criminal Injuries Compensation?

If someone has died due to a violent crime, a qualified family may claim death compensation on behalf of the deceased. A child may claim if they were receiving parental care at the time of their parent’s death – this applies even if they are over 18. If a spouse or civil partner was financially dependent on the deceased, they are eligible to claim but won’t be able to claim for a bereavement award.

Claiming for the loss of life from a criminal injury is determined by several factors based on the impact it has had on their relative’s life. This may include financial dependency, caring dependency and funeral expenses. A UK death compensation calculation will consider multiple elements to determine how much you should be awarded.

Please click the link below to learn more about how criminal injury compensation aligns with bereavement damages.

Criminal Injuries Compensation

Watch Our Quick Guide on Bereavement Damages

What Is the Bereavement Support Payment?

The Government scheme may help families who have lost a loved one, but it has been heavily criticised when it was updated recently as families, especially with children, are said to be losing out.

A benefit is called a Bereavement Support Payment and is payable if a husband, wife or civil partner died on or after 6 April 2017.

If that is the case, then the following must be met:

  • paid National Insurance contributions for at least 25 weeks
  • the death was caused by an accident at work or a disease caused by work
  • be under the State Pension age
  • be living in the UK or a country that pays bereavement benefits

But, according to the Childhood Bereavement Network, it claims that working families could lose out by £12,000 each due to the law change by the Conservative Government in 2017, as per this childhood bereavement article.

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What Is the Widow’s Parent Allowance?

A Government scheme may also pay you an additional amount under what is called the Widowed Parent’s Allowance if:

  • husband, wife or civil partner died before 6 April 2017
  • under State Pension age
  • entitled to Child Benefit for at least one child and your late husband, wife or civil partner was their parent
  • your late husband, wife or civil partner paid NI contributions, or they died as a result of an industrial accident or disease

The Government website also says that you may also claim WPA if you’re pregnant and your husband has died, or if you’re pregnant after fertility treatment and your civil partner has died.

The amount you get is based on how much your late husband, wife or civil partner paid in National Insurance contributions and the maximum benefit paid is £117.10 a week.

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Award for Unmarried Couples Challenged in Court

The rights for unmarried couples who suffer from bereavement is being challenged in the Highest Court in England and Wales.

A legal challenge is to be pursued on behalf of parents who are not married but should be entitled to make a bereavement claim and receive the same benefits as those who are married. A spokesperson said that every year more than 2,000 families in the UK face the “double hit” of one parent dying and their partner realising that their children are not eligible for bereavement benefits.

It is reported that, on average, a cohabiting parent earning £10,000 a year loses out by over £15,000 over the children’s childhood if their partner dies.

In another example, as reported by the BBC, an unmarried woman from Chorley has won a historic legal battle. Jakki Smith argued that her human rights had been breached by not receiving bereavement damages following her partner’s death which was caused by an infection following tumour removal. The court ruled in her favour stating that the bereavement award should be provided to anyone in a relationship for at least two years.

Find out more about wrongful death awards.

Update on Cohabitants and Bereavement Awards

Following a court case in the Court of Appeal, Jacqueline Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust; and the Secretary of State for Justice ([2017] EWCA Civ 1916 the Government is to review the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 under section 1A(2)(a) due to the Court’s findings that only married couples can claim for a bereavement award which is incompatible with Article 14 read with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Mrs Smith, in that case, had lived with the deceased as his unmarried partner for a period of over two years immediately prior to his death.

As the law currently stands, a statutory bereavement award following a fatal accident claim can only be made to:

  • the wife or husband of the deceased;
  • the civil partner of the deceased;
  • where the deceased was a minor who was never married or had a civil partner( a minor here is classed as under the age of 18 years old at the time of death); to his or her parents if he or she was legitimate; or to his or her mother, if illegitimate.

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How Can the Bereavement Award Change for the Better?

Thus the Government is proposing to amend the Fatal Accidents Act under section 1A(2)(a) to incorporate cohabitees who have lived together in a compatible relationship for a period of at least two years prior to the fatal accident to be able to claim compensation for a bereavement award. The proposed order can be viewed: Remedial Order to Amend Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (May 2019) & Bereavement Award

The Fatal Accidents Act Bereavement Award provision on couples ‘living together’ is that they must be living in the same household for at least two years prior to death and is summarised below;

Section 1(3)(b) of the 1976 Act allows cohabitees to make a claim for bereavement damages subject to certain criteria:

  • That they were living with the deceased in the same household immediately before the date of the death
  • That they had been living with the deceased in the same household for at least 2 years before that date
  • That they were living during the whole of that period as the husband or wife or civil partner of the deceased.

This provision for unmarried couples under the 1976 Act is incompatible to section 10 (2) Human Rights Act. The breach of Article 14 identified by the Court in the Smith Case relates a right to family life as the Bereavement Award Fatal Accidents Act discriminates against couples who are not married. The Government consider that there are compelling reasons for making the necessary legislative change swiftly.

The proposed change in the 1976 Act, would have the effect that a claimant who cohabited with the deceased person for a period of at least two years immediately prior to the death would be eligible to receive an award of bereavement damages.

Further, where both a qualifying cohabitant and a spouse is eligible (i.e. where the deceased was still married and not yet divorced or separated but had been in a new cohabiting relationship for at least two years) the award should be divided equally between the eligible claimants. This is really a money pinching compromise, both should be entitled to a full bereavement award. In reality, the loss is significant, the statutory bereavement award is not a great deal of bereavement compensation in the whole scheme of things and the numbers that it affects are small.

The change in the law will apply to fatal accidents occurring on or after the day on which the new laws come into force.

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Our Coverage in the UK Media for Bereavement Compensation

As experienced solicitors in this area of law, we have sadly dealt with several cases over the years involving bereavement award damage claims. While in an ideal world we wouldn’t see any wrongful death caused by malicious or negligent behaviour, the sad fact is that this is impossible. Nevertheless, we are fully dedicated to ensuring that we can help families recover from their loss in any way possible.

We are not afraid to stand up for what we firmly believe to be right. That is why we have consistently been vocal in our disagreement over the bereavement award in its current form. It does not provide adequate damages in the event of bereavement and is far too limited in eligibility criteria.

We have regularly spoken to the UK media regarding these issues. One of our more publicised cases involves the tragic story of Megan Storey and Jordanna Goodwin, as reported by the Daily Mail and The Times. These two young girls died following a fatal road accident in South Yorkshire in 2014. We worked on behalf of the girl’s parents to fight the injustice of the system, including the launch of an e-petition requesting that the statutory bereavement award amount be increased.

Clinical Negligence

There are several scenarios that make someone eligible for a bereavement award. As we have already made clear in this guide, to make a claim, the claimant should meet the specified criteria in relation to their association with the deceased. Obviously, a claim can only be made if someone has sadly died. Furthermore, bereavement claims are only possible if the death is ruled to have been unlawful due to someone else’s actions.

In terms of how the death came to be, there are multiple circumstances that can contribute to it being unlawful or negligent. Murder, for instance, is a clear attempt to end someone’s life, resulting in emotional pain and financial struggles for the deceased’s close relatives. Clinical negligence is another important circumstance that can lead to a bereavement award. With a clinical negligence claim, the deceased’s death will have been caused by the negligence of a medical professional. If a patient dies as a result of misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment, then this will be classed as clinical negligence. A bereavement award can be handed out where clinical negligence is proven. A good example of this is the Jakki Smith case that we have mentioned above. Mrs Smith’s husband had a tumour removed which resulted in an infection that was not picked up by medical professionals.

Taking Money from the Deceased’ Family Is Wrong

As specialist death compensation solicitors, we feel this is unjust to take up to 25% of the bereavement compensation for grieving families. However, whilst we do not like to charge any success fee, due to significant increases in court fees and drastic legal cost-cutting we are forced to make a charge which currently stands at 12.5% (half what most other solicitors will charge) plus vat.

We offer a No Win, No Fee service so the family are fully protected. It can be costly to go to another firm of solicitors.

Jack’s Law and Bereavement Leave

Some good news that the Government are putting into law in regards to bereavement leave. Working parents who lose a child are to be entitled to two weeks statutory leave, under the new legal right – referred to as “Jack’s Law.”

The law is named after 23-month-old Jack Herd, who tragically lost his life in 2010 after drowning in a pond. His father returned to work just a mere three days after Jack’s death, whilst Jack’s mother, Lucy Herd, began a campaign to highlight the problems facing bereaved parents who previously were expected to return to work as quickly as possible.

Some good out of something so tragic. Two weeks is of some help but most employers would usually provide this in any event.

For further reading, please read our blog about Jack’s Law and bereavement leave.

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Are you looking to claim bereavement damages for the death of a family member? Please feel free to contact our specialist fatal accident solicitors for guidance and advice. We will be pleased to help you even if it is just a query rather than making a fatal accident claim.

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Definition of Key Terms

We understand that the terms surrounding the bereavement award and claiming for fatal accident compensation can be complicated, which is why we have created the following glossary explaining some of the key terms.

  • Bereavement Award: A statutory compensation claim awarded to eligible family members in the event of an unlawful death to a loved one.
  • Unlawful Killing: A verdict delivered at an inquest which finds that a death has been caused without lawful excuse.
  • Bereavement Support Payment: A welfare benefit provided to people who have lost a husband, wife or civil partner.
  • Dependency Claim: A form of bereavement compensation that recognises the loss of support and services that a person benefited from before the death of a loved one.
  • Remedial Order: An order made under the Human Rights Act 1998 to amend legalisation that is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • Inquest Hearing: This is an important part of the process of making a claim. Inquest hearings are held by a coroner to establish the cause of death. Claims can only be made where the death is judged to have happened unlawfully or due to someone else’s negligent actions.
  • Jack’s Law: A new piece of legislation that provides parents with two weeks of paid bereavement leave following the death of a child.
  • No Win, No Fee: Claimants are only required to pay solicitor fees if they win their case and not if their case is unsuccessful.
  • Clinical Negligence: This is a legal term that describes a situation where a person has suffered an injury or harm as a result of medical negligence. For example, a patient may have received an incorrect diagnosis or medical treatment, or the medical professional may have made a mistake during a procedure. Clinical negligence compensation claims can occur where a medical professional has acted negligently when taking care of a patient.
  • Bereavement Damages: Bereavement damages is a term used to describe a form of compensation that is handed out following an unlawful death. The terms ‘bereavement award’ and ‘bereavement damages’ are used interchangeably as they typically refer to the same thing.

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Frequestly Asked Questions

The latest update to the Bereavement Award occurred in May 2020. As a result of the Government reviewing the award (Damages for Bereavement (Variation of Sum) (England and Wales) Order 2020), the compensation for a bereavement award has been increased from £12,980 to £15,120. A paltry £2,140 addition to an unjust award. The last time it was increased was seven years ago.

The increase in the statutory bereavement award only applies to bereaved families who lose a loved one on or after 1st May 2020. Families who have already suffered before this date will receive the old amount of £12,980. It must be remembered that not all family members can claim a bereavement award. See our page on who is entitled for more information.

For more details regarding the current and previous rates for bereavement damages in 2020, please visit our compensation rates page.

Where a loved one has been unlawfully killed in an accident, for example, on the road or at work, you should aim to make a bereavement compensation claim as soon as possible. Providing that you can prove negligence or blame, the bereavement award is usually paid within 3 months from when you approach us, and the accused party is notified of the beginning of a claim against them. The current bereavement award that you would receive is £15,120.

If the person or company at fault disputes blame, then we will take action against them through the Civil Courts (usually your local County Court) for the bereavement award, funeral expenses and dependency losses. This will all be undertaken under our No Win, No Fee, No Worry agreement with you.

The statutory bereavement award does not currently cover the whole of the UK in the same format. The bereavement damages mentioned in this guide are a legal entitlement that applies to England and Wales. In Northern Ireland, bereavement compensation is currently set at the fixed amount of £15,100. In Scotland, there is no maximum limit on the damages that may be awarded. Instead, each case is considered case-by-case to analyse the merits. Please read more about the bereavement awards in Scotland.

When a death has occurred, it's important to establish how it came to be as soon as possible. In a lot of cases, the answer may appear straightforward, such as natural causes like old age or long-term illnesses. However, if the death is sudden and unexpected, then it may not be immediately clear why the person has passed away. An inquest hearing may take place a few months after the death if it's not clear how the person died or there is suspicion of foul play, such as murder or negligence. Inquest hearings do not hand down a verdict on who is to blame but will determine the cause of death. Following an unlawful killing verdict, an accident compensation claim can then be pursued.

Please visit our in-depth guide on inquest hearings for more information.

This is very emotive topic but there is scientific evidence that a bereavement can cause symptoms similar to a heart attack. The little known condition is called takotsubo syndrome a condition that affects the heart following the death of a loved one.  

Often you read, particularly with older couples when a wife or husband dies the survivor does not live very long following the loss.  This pain of loss has been described as ‘takotsubo syndrome’ often referred to as broken heart syndrome, which is a sudden and acute form of heart failure.

There is another condition called the ‘widowhood effect.  In a 2014 study it highlighted a significant increase in the risk of death within the first three months for individuals whose spouses had recently died, indicating a 66% higher chance. Previous studies had suggested even higher probabilities, reaching up to 90%. Surprisingly, the research debunked the notion that men faced a greater risk than women, revealing equal chances for both genders. Beyond the initial three months, surviving spouses still had a 15% elevated risk of dying.

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